Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Interview with Lisa Burgess Learning Asset Mentor Mayday Trust

Lisa Burgess at Learning Ability Centre Rugby

I interviewed Lisa Burgess today (29th May 2013) at Mayday Central in Rugby about how the changes to mayday have affected her and what her new job role involves. The information that Lisa gave me was very interesting and I am excited to share her interview with you.
Lisa has been working for Mayday Trust for 3 years and when she started her job title was Project worker. The role that she had involved meeting residents for key work sessions and giving general support covering all areas including housing, education, living skills and emotional/personal support. The recent changes to Mayday Trust mean that Lisa has had a change in job role and is now a LAM (Learning Asset Mentor) Lisa’s job role now includes supporting residents specifically in education and employment. Lisa helps residents get involved in opportunities such as college, voluntary work and encourages them to engage in courses held by Mayday Trust. The courses and opportunities are relevant to the individual’s interests and skills. The LAM’s met with residents and discussed what their interests are and what they want to do and where they feel their qualities lie, this allows the LAM’s to identify which opportunity they can offer would best suit them. The main three aspects that Lisa works with are English, Maths and pre- tenancy, these are addressed through clubs and courses set up by Mayday Trust. Lisa also works with residents on improving their living skills and problems solving.
With the most recent changes the Learning Ability has been born. This is a service that is based at Mayday central in Rugby and targets people over the age of 16 with learning disabilities within Mayday accommodation in other supported living and also members of the public. These facilities were available at Lennon Court in Rugby but this facility has been purpose built to support people with learning disabilities and encourage them to get out of the home environment and become more independent. Lisa stated that the Learning Ability encourages socialising, gives the community the opportunity to get involved. The Learning Ability is focused on advantaged thinking and works on enhancing the abilities that these individuals have and strives on their talents. This facility was built with the objective of bringing People with learning disabilities together and allowing them to maintain independence, learn new skills and having a positive outlook on Learning disabilities hence the place being called Learning ability.

When I asked Lisa about how she felt about the changes at Mayday she was very enthusiastic and said “it’s been a great turning point” and “its FAB !!!”

Interview by Fiona McCance - Mayday Reporter – 29th May 2013

Timetable displayed on the wall in Learning Ability showing daily activities.

Kitchen area in Learning Ability used for living skills.

Social activities.

The workshop area in Learning Ability.

Another social area.

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